LSO Helen Hamlyn Panufnik Composers' Scheme Workshops
LSO Discovery
Blackheath Halls
Monday 14 July 2025
The Concert
Morning Workshop
Afternoon Workshop
Works from Laila Arafah, Monika Dalach Sayers, Margarida Gonçalves, Emily Hazrati, Yunho Jeong, Omri Kochavi, Sasha Scott and Whan Ri-Ahn
Jack Sheen conductor
London Symphony Orchestra
Free entry, advance booking required for each session. Booking information to be announced.
In these free public workshops, witness a pivotal point in the process of writing a new three-minute orchestral piece, as the LSO play works by the latest cohort of Panufnik composers.
While our venue LSO St Luke’s is closed for a programme of works and upgrades for much of 2025, we’re taking LSO Discovery on tour all over London. For this event, you’ll find us at the Grade II-listed Blackheath Halls.
The LSO Helen Hamlyn Panufnik Composers’ Scheme is generously supported by Lady Hamlyn and The Helen Hamlyn Trust.
Please note that finish times are approximate and subject to change.