The LSO is saddened to hear of the death of Dvora Lewis on 17 November. Dvora was the Orchestra’s PR for 37 years until her retirement in 2015. On her retirement she was made an Honorary Member of the LSO, a mark of distinction awarded by the members of the Orchestra to recognise distinguished service over an extended period of time.
She was greatly respected in the industry – looking after a number of star conductors, soloists, competitions and festivals as well as the LSO – and her professionalism and expertise were ahead of their time. During her time with the LSO, Dvora oversaw public relations for thousands of concerts, the arrival of five Principal Conductors – including Michael Tilson Thomas whose tribute can be read below – and the opening of LSO St Luke’s, working from her office in Hampstead. She was a great friend and deeply committed supporter of the Orchestra, and she will be greatly missed. Our thoughts are with her family: husband Michael, daughters Rachael and Xenia, and three grandchildren Hannah, Noah and Alfie, at this sad time.
Dvora Lewis (left) receiving her retirement gift from LSO Managing Director Kathryn McDowell in 2015 © Chris Christodoulou
‘Dvora Lewis was a totally savvy, unflappable public relations professional. She was also one of the warmest and most caring people I’ve known. She understood how to provide the press with access and insight as well as protecting the privacy and creative space of her artists. She was from an era of formidably accomplished press women who knew exactly what was needed to help people coming from many different directions and agendas to feel comfortable with one another and collaborate for the common good. For her, that meant the public’s appreciation of the music and of the people who make it. She had a way of putting a gentle arm around you and charmingly introducing you to strangers in a crowded room who, in their mutual appreciation of her, found a way to feel at home with one another. She addressed nearly everyone as “dear” and one felt she was completely sincere. She harkened back to a gentler time. I will miss her clarity and affection.’
Michael Tilson Thomas
Further Reading

Martin France: 1964–2024
We were saddened to hear of the passing of Martin France, a legendary drummer from the jazz world who played with the LSO on numerous occasions.

Obituary: Peter Gane, 1948-2024
The London Symphony Orchestra is saddened to hear of the death of Peter Gane, former Assistant Principal Trombone.

Obituary: David Cripps
The LSO was saddened to hear of the death of David Cripps, former Principal Horn of the Orchestra, who passed away on 22 June 2024.