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What’s On

LSO Connect

Group music activities tackling loneliness and isolation amongst local older adults.

LSO Connect is principally an intergenerational programme. It aims to reduce isolation and loneliness among older adults (aged 60+) living in the Islington community, and increase their participation in the arts through creative music workshops.

Of 326 local authorities, Islington – our local borough – ranks eighth nationally for risk of loneliness amongst older adults. Working in partnership with local organisations Help on Your Doorstep, St Luke’s Community Centre and Claremont Project, we bring older adults together to forge connections and make new music.

Research shows that participating in group music activities can decrease older adults’ loneliness and increase their wellbeing. Workshops with LSO musicians across six weeks invite participants to engage with an inspiring theme in a positive, creative and kind environment. Regardless of musical background, participants themselves become artists, musicians, dancers and all-round creatives.

‘The community aspect of this has been fantastic. I’ve got to know my neighbors … It has been a joy to get to know each other.’ – LSO Connect participant

‘I heard about the project from my GP, who referred me to On Your Doorstep. I’m glad I came because each session was so good for me. It’s made me relax.’ – LSO Connect participant

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The support of trusts, foundations and individuals enables us to reach more than 60,000 people a year through LSO Discovery projects, including our hospital programmes. Find out more about how you can play an important role in supporting our work in the community.

Get In Touch

To find out more about LSO Connect, please contact:

Natasha Krichefski Community Senior Projects Manager